Halberstadt, 1592
Wood, carved, painted; alabaster relief
Immediately after the introduction of the Reformation, the clergy ordered the building of a pulpit. The central element of the service, the Word, required a lectern, which was immediately built thanks to donations from twelve members of the Cathedral chapter. Their names and coats of arms are immortalised in the canopy. Structured very much in the style of the Renaissance with pilasters and entablatures, a clear-cut series of images and inscriptions spell out their beliefs. Along the stairs, three depictions of the virtues holding children, an anchor and a book represent the basic Christian values of charity, hope and faith. On the hexagonal pulpit, reliefs of the Four Evangelists writing denote the books of the New Testament and testify to the life and ministry of Christ. The central alabaster relief shows Christ’s resurrection and the conquest of death. These depictions continue beneath the stairs in the form of two paintings: two skeletons – a servant and his master – wrapped in mantles, with an accompanying inscription, call attention to their equality before God and his justice. A depiction of Samson massacring the Philistines illustrates the struggle of true faith. The pulpit thus makes a clear statement on the Christian values shared by all the canons.